Waiting is the Hardest Part

Waiting for you is the hardest part,
As it tears at the fabric of the heart
That is already in the clutches of love
Above all else, my dove, and it makes
For an excellent bout with doubt,
Wondering if he is really worthy,
Asking if there will be only disdain
Such that this waiting is but in vain,
Pulling at his very spirit to abstain;
Ah! But have we come this far in life
So rife with pain to throw away gain
Of love to be found in the sound
Of our two hearts beating as one?
So shall we meet and seat ourselves
Neath the same sun with love begun
And discover together if our destiny
Lies along one common path or two;
But waiting is still the hardest part,
Tearing at the fabric of this heart . . .

18 thoughts on “Waiting is the Hardest Part

    1. You are so very right, Jyotee… Indeed, patience is a difficult virtue, but one I must practice. If it is really true, then it will come in its own perfect time! But waiting does take its toll! 😉

    1. And that is very difficult too: Having faith that it will all turn out the way we want! Certainly, I know there is the possibility it will not, so waiting and hoping is doubly hard! Thank you for your comment, Ben. All the best to you with blessings!

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